Satisfaction du client : Comment effectuer votre suivi ?
La norme ISO 9001 a comme l’un de ses principes principaux l’accent mis sur le client et l’augmentation de leur satisfaction. La meilleure façon d’atteindre cet objectif est d’évaluer continuellement et systématiquement le produit ou le service fourni par l’organisation, en analysant la réalisation des exigences et des attentes de ses clients tout au long … Continue reading “Satisfaction du client : Comment effectuer votre suivi ?”
Quelle est la différence entre l’assurance qualité et le contrôle qualité?
Beaucoup croient que la garantie et le contrôle de la qualité sont la même chose. Mais dans la pratique (et en théorie), ils sont un ensemble très différent d’activités. Chacun a son propre objectif et des objectifs spécifiques définis. Et vous, connaissez-vous la différence entre l’assurance de la qualité et le contrôle de la qualité? … Continue reading “Quelle est la différence entre l’assurance qualité et le contrôle qualité?”
La différence entre les incidents et les problèmes et leur gestion
Il est un fait que de nombreuses entreprises ne gèrent pas les incidents et les problèmes de peur d’être un processus difficile et compliqué, ou même simplement pour ne pas connaître la différence entre l’incident et le problème. En fait, la gestion des incidents et des problèmes peut être assez simple, surtout lorsque des outils … Continue reading “La différence entre les incidents et les problèmes et leur gestion”
Remote Internal Audits: a reality for today and after the pandemic
The current crisis that we are going through has required that all of society find solutions to continue their activities in this new reality that include social distancing, travel restrictions and other public safety measures. Quality audits are among the processes that, using the traditional on-site method, have become almost impossible to carry out. With … Continue reading “Remote Internal Audits: a reality for today and after the pandemic”
The auditor’s role in the digital age
Although auditing processes have evolved and are increasingly supported by automated systems, Data & Analytics and even artificial intelligence, no machine is a replacement for the human intellectual capacities of judgment and leadership. This moment demands more sophisticated profiles, and this means that auditors can’t get too comfortable. They need to develop some basic skills, … Continue reading “The auditor’s role in the digital age”
Loss events – an important knowledge base
No company wants failures to occur in their operations, but even with all the preventive measures, failures occur from time to time and often have serious financial consequences. You have to know how to manage the failures and losses that occur. Routine administrative tasks, such as gathering loss data across different business areas, documenting exceptions, … Continue reading “Loss events – an important knowledge base”
Speeding up results with the Malcolm Baldrige criteria
Your company is a leader in its field, but you still wonder how you can make small improvements to achieve the highest level of performance excellence. Or maybe your organization’s performance could be improved and company leaders are looking for a method to speed up improvement efforts. Or maybe your performance is just really bad, … Continue reading “Speeding up results with the Malcolm Baldrige criteria”
The top 5 quality conformance indicators
Every manager must visualize quality of conformance in every process, understanding connections between procedures and technologies. It can be difficult to group indicators and decide which are the best to achieve the real quality of conformance. When choosing the indicators (KPIs) to track, it’s better to focus on just a few with clear goals, rather … Continue reading “The top 5 quality conformance indicators”
The Corrective Action Plan to avoid nonconformities
The concepts behind what an corrective action plan must encompass are always evolving. It focus on solving process and production challenges, pushing growth in technology and knowledge. Many organizational issues are growing along with this movement, and with this comes new nonconformities with more complex audits. This complexity can spread in the form of questions and … Continue reading “The Corrective Action Plan to avoid nonconformities”