SE Suite now allows for electronic signatures to be added directly to forms. Read more and get to know this new resource!

Many operations between business partners, customers and suppliers involve documents that are printed, signed, scanned and sent by email, or even by fax.

This includes documents such as contracts and disagreements, non-disclosure agreements, human resources forms and reports in general. To make processes more efficient, SE Suite now allows for the electronic signature to be added directly on forms.

The solution works with two types of electronic signatures:

Written signature

Using this model, users can “write” their signature in a pre-determined area of the form.

Image signature

In this case, an image of the signature is associated with the user’s registration data, and it can be added to the form, as if it were a stamp. To ensure the integrity and security of the process, this type of signature requests the user’s password.

Sign forms in a simple way in SE Suite
Sign forms in a simple way in SE Suite

This resource can be made available according to the role that each person has in the process. Thus, for example, you can restrict the signing of a particular document to only the Purchasing Manager.

Using electronic signatures, you save paper, make processes more agile and increase productivity.

Marcelo Becher


Marcelo Becher

Spécialiste en gestion stratégique par PUC-PR. Business et analyste de marché chez SoftExpert, un fournisseur de logiciels et de services pour l’automatisation et l’amélioration des processus d’affaires, la conformité réglementaire et la gouvernance d’entreprise.

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