Every manager must visualize quality of conformance in every process, understanding connections between procedures and technologies.
It can be difficult to group indicators and decide which are the best to achieve the real quality of conformance.

When choosing the indicators (KPIs) to track, it’s better to focus on just a few with clear goals, rather than others with vague uncertainties.

estratégias de qualidade hojeQuality professionals must work hard to create and maintain quality processes. But how can they determine the quality of conformance that needs to be develop?

The starting point is choosing which conformances that best represent the company’s value. This way all process and procedures can naturally converge to the business core purpose.
It seems obvious but with so much data, it’s important to narrow down the options to focus on the things that matter to the business profit.

Boards tend to evaluate financial and commercial indicators first. The challenge here is to get them to invest in quality management system.
The quality of conformance indicators must show the how the company’s process will aid the services and products in the future.

The idea is to build a mindset within the organizational culture to help managers and employees understand how to deliver quality of conformance. Thinking about that, we decided to bulk a list to help you achieve the quality of conformance in your organization:

On this article you will learn about:

1 – Overall vs specific conformance
2 – Delivered demand quality
3 – Quality born from risk
4 – Quality engagement
5 – Customer brand awareness

Overall vs specific conformance

Categorize activities in types which are related to quality and apply the model to other departments, to impact the quality indicators.

Understand  which specific activities in a certain department are improving the quality and compare with other departments to obtain an overall conformance indicator across the company.

With this idea, we can analyze a specific procedure or process, absorb its knowledge, understand its impact in quality and apply the insights in other departments.


  • Tasks Efficiency
  • Bottlenecks
  • Time gaps
  • Rework percentage

Delivered quality of conformance

A simple idea of how the demand process is performing is to group indicators and build a formula to enlighten your metrics, as in this example:

quality of conformace formula

POI: Perfect Order Index

DO: Percentage of orders delivered on time

OC: Percentage of orders completed

DF: Percentage of orders damaged free

DA: Percentage of orders with accurate documents

Example: A company deliver 96% of its orders on time and the amount of orders fully delivered is 98%. The percentage of damaged free orders is 99% and the order’s documents accuracy is 97%. This way, we can say that the Perfect Order Index is over 90 and depending on the market or company needs the quality indicator threshold will vary.

quality conformace results

This equation shows which deliver metrics can be used to develop a quality management indicator . Depending on your business, you can evaluate orders, documents, files, prints and other more.

Pessoas para estratégias de qualidade

The key premise here is to understand how elements influence actual goals, so you can arrange them to achieve and control success.

i.e.: The formula above is based on the Perfect Order Index (POI) metric.

Quality born from risk

Quality of conformance always have some perception of risk involved. For example, a type A product takes 4 hours to be produced then any other company offering that product must achieve or surpass that time frame to have a high quality of conformance. Thus, quality of conformance puts a standard in the market and level the best companies. Organizations that don’t attend to this indicators are pushed in a risk path and can vanish from the customers mind.

When companies don’t realize the risk around quality of conformance, they tend to fade away in a market. The risk helps companies proactively seek for opportunities that generate value and avoid unnecessary work. This approach is crucial to work with less uncertainty. It powers sustainability, creating foreseeable futures.

quality of conformance kpi

This allows capital to flow to enterprises, making business more profitable and employees more engaged with quality.


  • Potential costs
  • Compliance risks
  • Risk treatment
  • Audit scores
  • Loss recovery

Quality engagement

People are key to quality and strategies are guidelines that show multiple paths to connect the business to market needs. The strategies can go further encompassing the entire work environment, including its tools and places. Create ways to facilitate the achievement of quality, using simple process and technologies are necessary to achieve operational excellence.

The focus here is to ensure that procedures, infrastructure and employees are connected to quality of conformance. The leadership must create a productive environment respecting all quality issues as well as needs of the team to help them achieve the completion of goals.


  • Engagement survey
  • Learning and competency gaps
  • Turnover ratio
  • Salary competitiveness ratio

Customer quality awareness

The most important indicator is the one that the market perceives, because it measures whether the company is understanding the needs and expectations of its customers.

examples of quality of conformance

Capturing and analyzing customer data enables companies to boost service/product levels, creating upward market trends.

Deliver quality to customer is one thing, create value to every phase in the customer life cycle is necessary to ensure that decisions benefit the customer needs and expectations.


  • Churn rate
  • Customer life cycle
  • Brand equity/awareness
  • Market share.

Quality of conformance are essential for continuous improvement. Achieving  management excellence requires a good software to operate with maximum efficiency. Choosing the right technology for your business is key to success.

Click here to our Quality Solution
Raphael Gonçalves Arias


Raphael Gonçalves Arias

Product Marketing Analyst at SoftExpert, Raphael Arias has more than 8 years of experience in IT industry. He worked in consulting and implementation of SaaS solutions in logistics and risk management companies. Is graduated in Information Technology and MBA in Marketing.

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