The largest graphic and printing company in Latin America reduces non-conformities by 50% and improves processes

Abril Gráfica, the largest printing company in Latin America in volume of production, reduced non-conformities by more than 50% with the help of technology.

Abril Gráfica, considered the largest printing company in Latin America in terms of volume of production, was able to reduce non-conformities by more than 50% in its processes, as well as increasing the satisfaction level of its customers by 40.7%. Technology played an important role in these results.

The company, which is also the first Brazilian company to prepare an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, using the methodology of the GHG protocol, and which has received international awards for their reduction of environmental impacts, in addition to the FSC and CERFLOR/PEFC certifications, optimized the management of its procedures with the support of SoftExpert Excellence Suite (SE Suite), a platform for corporate solutions for management excellence, process improvement and regulatory compliance.

According to Abril Gráfica’s Quality Manager, Wagner Pastrello, the company had to face the challenge of a lack of standardization in its service routines, with the handling of complaints being carried out individually in each sector. “We felt the need for a solution that would eliminate bottlenecks in the flow of information and would standardize the activities of all areas of the company,” explains Pastrello.

To achieve this end, they invested in the acquisition of a corporate solution platform for excellence in management, process improvement and regulatory compliance. With the system, Abril Gráfica was able to reduce the time it takes to respond to complaints from internal and market clients, creating contingency actions for the demands, identifying and eliminating the causes of inefficiencies. The adoption of the solution optimized the management of its procedures and reduced non-conformities in its processes by more than 50%, besides increasing by 40.7% the level of satisfaction of their customers.

Pastrello explains that the platform was well accepted by the employees and is helping to maintain the customer portfolio and to acquire new ones, even considering the hard times the graphic industry is currently going through.

“We tested internal and market solutions and saw a cost-effective solution in SE Suite that was ideal for us, offering flexible customization and configuration, according to the demands of each sector. In addition, the system is very user-friendly, which made the employees’ adaption to the new environment very quick,” concludes Pastrello.

Rodrigo Brum


Rodrigo Brum

Gestor de comunicação na SoftExpert, fornecedora de software para automação e aprimoramento dos processos de negócio, conformidade regulamentar e governança corporativa.

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