Infograph where you can find some interesting figures about using the Balanced Scorecard and compare the figures presented with your reality.

The Balanced Scorecard has already been more famous than it is today. But even without all the euphoria of the start years of its creation, it continues to be tool of great importance in managing the performance of organizations.

Every year, 2GC executes a survey with users of this methodology around the world and discloses its results. In the infograph below you can find some interesting results and compare the figures presented with your reality.

The use of the Balanced Scorecard by organizations

Balanced scorecard survey - english

Do you not use the Balanced Scorecard in your company?

Know more about this methodology and how it can aid you in improving your understanding of business and monitoring results and actions.

Do you already use the Balanced Scorecard, but do not use any software to aid you?

SoftExpert can help you. Find out more about SoftExpert CPM and how it will make you never want to look at your electronic spreadsheets again!

Find out more about SoftExpert CPM

Tobias Schroeder


Tobias Schroeder

Spécialiste en gestion stratégique chez UFPR. Analyste d’affaires et de marché chez SoftExpert, fournisseur de logiciels pour l’automatisation et l’amélioration des processus d’affaires, la conformité réglementaire et l’organisme de gouvernancerativa.

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