Retail sector: how to reinvent yourself to satisfy an increasingly digital customer

Retail sector: how to reinvent yourself to satisfy an increasingly digital customer

Raise your hand and toss your smartphone if you have never used the internet to research TV models before going out to buy one at a retail store. Who has never researched what is available on the market, specifications and price ranges, before going to the mall to check them out up close and form an opinion? Depending on the service, the salesperson’s pitch and, of course, if the price is right, there is a very good chance of making the purchase. Being able to watch the latest movie on a new screen and not having to wait for delivery of an online purchase is always tempting.

Social media or selling machines?

This phenomenon is not new, but it has intensified with the creation of new customized tools developed by large retailers. However, it is social media that is really driving this new way of doing business. Apps like WhatsApp and Instagram, already widely used by the population, are a perfect fit for this new kind of customer relationship.

A companion in your search

The customer, who wanted to know everything about their object of desire before leaving home to buy it, can now do so with the help of an online salesperson. When the customer decides to go to the store, they frequently look for the person who helped them make the decision. They appreciate the support.

The product research that was solitary and isolated, doomed to fail at the divide between the internet and physical store, is now part of a broader and more complete experience. When the buyer goes to the store, they frequently look for the same salesperson who helped them online. They end up developing a relationship of trust.

It’s time to recycle

If, on one side, the customer is enjoying a more complete experience, on the other side of the apps you have professionals in need of reinventing themselves. And a large part of the sales force needs to be trained to use these new instruments, but, in general, the prospect of continuing in the business with the same or even higher revenues is motivating even the most experienced salespeople to embrace the physical-digital format.

In short, the consumer relationship is changing and companies in the retail sector need to reinvent themselves to satisfy the new demands of an increasingly digital consumer.

To learn more about how to meet these and other challenges, we have created the eBook: How to promote the digital transformation in the retail sector. The content is free. Happy sales!

Download it Now!

Laurides Dozol


Laurides Dozol

Especialista em Gestão Empresarial pela FGV. Analista de negócios e mercado na SoftExpert, fornecedora de softwares e serviços para automação e aprimoramento dos processos de negócio, conformidade regulamentar e governança corporativa.

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