Crie projetos com facilidade utilizando a nova versão do Gantt Web

Gantt Web in SoftExpert Project is full of new features. Read this article to learn more!

SoftExpert is constantly evolving its products. These actions are aimed at incorporating new functionalities, making solutions more robust and easier to use. In this sense, the Gantt Web in SoftExpert Project is full of new features.  In version 2.1.6 you can now quickly and practically include and change project activities right in the Gantt Web, without the need to open other screens.

New Gantt Web: Fast and versatile projects

Using nothing more than the web browser already used to access the SoftExpert Suite, you will have access to various functionalities. In addition to adding, deleting and canceling activities, you will also be able to change configurations and to adjust time, color and much more in a modern and friendly interface.

All available to you

All of this is already available to use. Just update your version of SoftExpert Suite and start taking advantage of these and other advancements.

Access the Release Notes now and check out all of the improvements and new features in SoftExpert Suite version 2.1.6!

Access Release Notes

Laurides Dozol


Laurides Dozol

Especialista em Gestão Empresarial pela FGV. Analista de negócios e mercado na SoftExpert, fornecedora de softwares e serviços para automação e aprimoramento dos processos de negócio, conformidade regulamentar e governança corporativa.

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