conceitos-chave de melhoria de processo lean

Lean process improvement is a continuous improvement methodology that focuses on the management and improvement of company processes.

The Lean Process Improvement method is a continuous improvement methodology focused on Process Management and Improvement of the company. Lean emphasizes the waste prevention (time, labor and inputs) in the production of products and/or services that do not add value.

As the Lean process improvement method is customer oriented, products and services are created and delivered in precise quantities, to the right places, at the right time, and in the right conditions.

Learn about the 3 Key Concepts of the Lean Method:

1 – The Lean process improvement method is a mindset, not an event

Perhaps the biggest differential between the generic term “process improvement” and the Lean method is that the Lean process improvement method is a mindset and a practice – not just an event.

Many companies see process improvement as a temporary event or as an activity used to fix large systematic gaps.

Companies that use the Lean method see continuous improvement as a mindset and daily practice. It is the means by which companies can deliver on their promises to their customers.

Lean is an important stimulus mechanism for organizational culture transformation.

2 – The Lean method is more effective when employed throughout the company

For Lean process improvement efforts to be effective, all departments and sectors of the company need to be open and willing to change.

Otherwise, companies run the risk of having teams that, while optimizing their own performance, under-optimize the performance of other teams and, consequently, the company’s overall performance.

If, for example, marketing department process improvements lead them to refuse any non-marketing orders so they can focus on delivering their campaigns, then the department runs the risk of creating campaigns that do not reflect the latest version of the product, or campaigns that are not aligned with the messages used by the sales department. This creates a strategic conflict that can be felt by the customer.

Implementing continuous improvement in just one company department or branch makes it difficult to put the Lean concept of optimizing the entire company into practice.

3 – The Lean method helps maximize value and streamline delivery

The goal of process improvement using the Lean method is to enable teams to find ways to deliver more value to their customers, and do it faster.

This occurs through a systematic and scientific approach for making the process of continuous improvement a part of everyday tasks.

The continuous improvement cycle explains the Lean process improvement mindset, but does not provide a workable plan to manage and measure improvement efforts. That’s where solutions like SoftExpert Excellence Suite can help.

Click on the link below to watch the video and discover how SE BPM promotes continuous process improvement and manages all stages of the lifecycle, from modeling and optimization to automation, execution and monitoring.

Watch the video

Gus Oliveira


Gus Oliveira

Gus Oliveira has a degree in Business Administration as well as a degree in Economics from The University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth (USA). Oliveira has experience in the software industry for Business Excellence also in the financial and business development field, working in large companies both in the United States and in Brazil as a financial analyst, business strategy consultant and a senior project consultant.

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