gestão de ativos de TI

Facilitate IT asset management with relevant information that help in decision making using SE Asset, the Asset Management solution.

Facilitate IT asset management with relevant information that will help you in making decisions.

One of the biggest difficulties in IT asset management is knowing what equipment you are responsible for, your settings and how to record and maintain the history of that information. Doing this registration manually becomes impractical, even for small organizations.

With a view toward optimizing and extending control, specifically of IT assets, several improvements were added to SE Asset, SoftExpert’s Asset Management solution.

The SE Asset framework has been modified to receive automatic asset recognition software files. Now you can import asset data, the components and settings with CSV, XML, and JSON files. This importing can be done manually or through routines configured by your organization.

When viewing your asset data, the system shows the specifications. With a quick search using hyperlinks you can check all devices and related software.


Through data imports, the system can validate and notify those responsible about changes made to the assets. For example: a change of memory and processor, inclusion or exclusion of software and changes in disk capacity (free space and total capacity).


If your organization does not want to import certain information, you can quickly create exception rules. For example, you can import software related to the asset, but avoid importing information related to your updates. So you keep only the really relevant information available.


But it is of no use to register the information if it cannot be immediately found when you need it. For this, exclusive search menus are available for computers and software. Other improvements are the asset reports that list computer specifications and a new report to list software.

Gustavo Moreira


Gustavo Moreira

Product Owner of the EAM solution at SoftExpert. MBA in IT Governance by Sustentare Business School.

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