The world is increasingly interconnected, making it more necessary for clients, suppliers and business partners to interact in an integrated manner. To meet this demand, SoftExpert is evolving the portal resource for external users. Now, you will be able to customize portals according to the needs of each person accessing the SoftExpert Suite externally.
Easy and secure
With new functionalities operational with the release of version 2.1.5, clients and partners will only see what they need to see. Their relationship with the company will be much more intuitive and secure, with less need for training and customizations.
The external user portal is a highly versatile tool. It can be used to interact with users at different business units and with clients, suppliers and even the general public. Because things are much more intuitive now and easier to use, interactions with the outside world depend solely on your needs and creativity.
Everything centralized and organized
You will be able to create categories organized by roles or business relationships. For example, create a category for “Suppliers of Raw Materials.” Associate SoftExpert Suite components with it as well as the links needed for these suppliers. Authorize access for specific people or partner companies and you’re ready! They will have access to everything they need to do their jobs.
E-mail notifications
Whenever you create or share a category, the people connected to it will be notified by e-mail and will receive a link to the portal. This will save time and leave everything much more organized.
Did you like these new features? Then don’t waste any time! Update your version of SoftExpert Suite and start taking advantage of these and other advancements right away!
Access the Release Notes now and check out all of the improvements and new features in SoftExpert Suite version 2.1.5!