Participating in the many processes within the company can leave you feeling lost, making it difficult to keep up to date on what is happening in your workflow.

To solve this problem, the SE Suite Notification Center notifies you of only the tasks and processes you are involved in, providing you with easy access to them.


With the SE Suite Notification Center, you can:

Track Workflow updates

When someone executes, deletes, cancels, comments on or rejects a Workflow activity, you are notified in real time, allowing you to follow the process history with just one click.  

Control notifications you have already read

You can view all your notifications or just the ones you have not read yet. In addition, you can mark a notification as read.

Let us know what you think!

The next step is to allow you to configure which notifications you want to receive.

Alison Silva


Alison Silva

UX Designer nas soluções de HDM e PPM da SoftExpert

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